Vincent Coq, piano

Vincent Coq started studying the piano at age 7. Admitted to Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris at age 18, he won a piano First Prize in 1985, then pursued graduate studies under the guidance of Dominique Merlet.
After winning a First Prize in chamber music in 1984 in Geneviève Joy-Dutilleux’s class, he joined Jean-Claude Pennetier’s class to perfect his chamber music skills.

Vincent Coq then joined master classes taught by Nikita Malagoff, György Sandor and Leon Fleisher. In 1989, he worked under the direction of György Sebök at the Bloomington School of Music (USA).

As the same time as his career with the Trio Wanderer, Vincent Coq plays with many other musicians as Sophie Koch, Gérard Caussé, Antoine Tamestit, Susan Cairns, Wolfgang Holzmair, Karen Vourc’h, François Leleux, Anne Gastinel… He gives also concerts of melodrama’s repertoire with the actor Eric Genovese,Sociétaire de la Comédie Française.

Vincent Coq is Professor of chamber music  at the Lausanne’s Haute Ecole de Musique and at the Aix-en-Provence IESM. Vincent Coq has opened with his Trio Wanderer’s colleagues, a piano trio class at the Paris’ CRR. He is invited as a jury member by the major international music competition as Osaka, Graz, Lyon, Vercelli, Munchen ARD…

“Virtuose pianist Vincent Coq performs impeccably weaving a rich tapestry of whose notes whose velvet schimmer sets off the playing of the strings. One seems to be hearing Menahem Pressler when the Beaux-Arts Trio was in its prime.” (Le Devoir – Montreal)

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